Monday, January 23, 2012

Classroom Fun!

We have been learning about patterns in math and to help the students gain more experience with this concept, we created "pattern masks" last week! The students created an input/output chart with a number "rule" and glued this pattern onto the back of a paper plate. Next, they decorated the front of the plate like a robot mask. Lastly, they walked around the classroom asking other "robots" for numbers to enter into their input/output "robots" and they tried to solve for each others' rules! They had a great time problem solving!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

Can you believe almost half of our school year has already flown by? Time does fly when we are having fun! I am certainly having fun with your children each and every day sharing new experiences and learning new things. Right now we are learning about Ancient Civilizations, Multiplication and Division of larger numbers, how to make inferences when we read, and how to write comparison/contrast pieces. Whew! We are busy! Thank you for all of your support at home to help your children be so successful at school. It is very appreciated!